czwartek, 22 maja 2014

Event, cards, links

I recently was in Warsaw where I met great people including ones I mentioned in the post below - Michał Kuś (, Darek Zabrocki (, and also other young but already developed CG artists, such as Mathias Zamęcki (   Wojtek Fus ( and many, many others. It was during a nightly event organised by Polish Digital Art, which included live speedpainting and also an auction of computer graphics printed on canvas and Zbrush sculpts printed in 3d! (Auction will take place on 30.05.2014)
There is little news about our board game, since I finished color test-cards a while ago, yet we need to prepare the board and few other things before we can give the prototype of the game to our friends for testing.

The event I mentioned gave me big boost in terms of painting motivation, so prepare to be flooded with some sketches soon!

Also, when posting other people's page links, I just have to link two people whose CG work is at the moment my favorite: